Chandak Hospital



Colposcopy Machine at Chandak Hospital

A colposcopy is a test to investigate your cervix. The cervix is the opening to your belly from your vagina. A colposcopy is frequently finished on the off chance that cervical screening finds changes to your cells by particular kinds of human papillomavirus (HPV). These changed cells can transform into cervical malignant growth cells. A smooth, tube-molded instrument (a speculum) is delicately positioned into your vagina to open it during a colposcopy. A magnifying lens is then used to check out your cervix more meticulously. The magnifying lens stays outside your body. A little example of cells might be taken from your cervix for testing. This is known as a biopsy. A colposcopy is almost torment free. You could feel pressure when the speculum goes in. It could likewise sting or consume a little when they wash your cervix with the vinegar-like arrangement. You’ll rest on a test table like you would for a pelvic test. The specialist or medical caretaker will place a speculum into your vagina and open it. This isolates the walls of your vagina so they can get a significant glance at your cervix.