Chandak Hospital

Dilation and curettage

Dilation and curettage

Chandak Hospitals Doctors

A widening and curettage system, likewise called a D&C, is a surgery wherein the cervix (lower, restricted piece of the uterus) is enlarged (extended) so the uterine covering (endometrium) can be scratched with a curette (spoon-formed instrument) to eliminate abnormal tissues. Other related strategies for diagnosing and treating endometrium include endometrial removal, hysteroscopy, and hysterectomy. See this methodology for extra data if it’s easy enough. A D&C might be a symptomatic or helpful methodology for unusual dying. A D&C might be performed to decide the reason for the unique or over-the-top uterine end, to recognize malignant growth, or as a component of barrenness (powerlessness to become pregnant) examination. A pull D&C utilizes pull to eliminate uterine items. A pull D&C might be used following unsuccessful labor to abort the baby and different tissues if they have not all been customarily passed.