Chandak Hospital

Diabetic Foot

Diabetic Foot

Diabetic foot

Foot issues are regular in individuals with diabetes. They can occur over the long run when high glucose harms the nerves and veins in the feet. The nerve harm, called diabetic neuropathy, can cause deadness, shivering, torment, or a deficiency of feeling in your feet. If you can’t feel suffering, you may not know when you have a cut, annoy, or ulcer (open sore) on your foot. An injury like that could get tainted. The disease may not mend well because the harmed veins can cause an unfortunate bloodstream in your feet. Having an illness and a painful bloodstream can prompt gangrene. That implies the muscle, skin, and different tissues begin to kick the bucket. You might require removal if you have an infection or a foot ulcer that seeks worse with treatment. This is a medical procedure to remove your harmed toe, foot, or part of your leg. It might keep terrible contamination from spreading and could save your life.