Chandak Hospital

Fissure in Ano

Fissure in Ano


Butt-centric gap, called crevice in-ano, is a typical reason for perianal torment. Patients frequently depict the aggravation they experience during defecation as ‘passing shards of glass, ‘ which is commonly connected with rectal dying.
A butt-centric gap is an ulcer-like longitudinal tear in the squamous epithelium of the butt-centric channel, which stretches out from the butt-centric edge cephalad now and again up to the level of the dentate line. It usually causes torment during and for 1-2 h after crap [1]. This component assists with separating butt-centric crevice from different reasons for butt-centric agony, for example, perianal and ischioanal  abscesses, thrombosed hemorrhoids, viral ulcers, and others. As patients might be humiliated about the anatomic area of their side effects, they might present to mind late throughout their ailment.