Chandak Hospital




A hernia happens when an inward organ or other body part sticks through the mass of muscle or tissue that consistently contains it. Most hernias occur inside the stomach pit, between the chest and the hips. Inguinal hernia In men, the inguinal stream is a way for the spermatic rope and veins to provoke the balls. In women, the inguinal channel contains the round ligament that upholds the uterus. In an inguinal hernia, fatty tissue or a piece of the gastrointestinal system sticks into the groin at the most noteworthy mark of the internal thigh. This is the most generally perceived hernia and impacts men, more habitually than women. Femoral hernia: Oily tissue or some piece of the stomach-related framework sticks into the groin at the most elevated mark of the inward thigh. Femoral hernias are less regular than inguinal and generally impact more prepared women. Umbilical hernia Oily tissue or some piece of the stomach-related framework pushes through the mid-district near the navel (gut button).