Chandak Hospital

High-Risk Pregnancy

High-Risk Pregnancy

High risk pregnancy

Once in a while, a high-risk pregnancy is the consequence of an ailment present before pregnancy. In different cases, an ailment that creates during pregnancy for possibly you or your child makes a pregnancy become a high gamble. Various intricacies that create during pregnancy can present dangers. Models incorporate a unique placenta position, fetal development not exactly the tenth percentile for gestational age (fetal development limitation), and rhesus (Rh) refinement — a possibly tricky condition that can happen when your blood bunch is Rh negative and your child’s blood bunch is Rh positive. Way of life decisions. Smoking cigarettes, drinking liquor, and using unlawful medications can endanger pregnancy.
Maternal medical conditions Hypertension, stoutness, diabetes, epilepsy, thyroid sickness, heart or blood issues, ineffectively controlled asthma, and contaminations can increment pregnancy gambles.