Chandak Hospital

Laparoscopic Sling Operations (for uterine and vault prolapse)

Laparoscopic Sling Operations (for uterine and vault prolapse)

Laparoscopic Hernia repair

In India, nulliparous prolapse cases comprise 1.5-2 % of genital prolapse; the frequency is significantly higher (5-8 %) for young ladies who have recently conveyed a couple of kids, making it one of the greatest on the planet. The commonness is exceptionally high in India since Indian ladies, particularly those with poor financial status, are pallid and malnourished (‘maternal consumption condition’) with ineffectively created pelvic floor tissues, and the added insult of at least one vaginal conveyance at home makes sure to cut down the cervix and uterus. Gynecology is now loaded with numerous and shifted moderate activities for prolapse. Their sheer number shows that no gynecologist in the past has been content with the different cycles available to them. The regular primary training to be portrayed for treating genital prolapse was that Archibald Donald and William Fothergill conceived: the Manchester activity. The Manchester activity was subsequently changed by VN Shirodkar, who depicted a uterosacral progression activity; in this change, the cervix isn’t severed.