Chandak Hospital



Sonography at Chandak hospital

Sonography is a symptomatic clinical trial that utilizes high-recurrence sound waves, or ultrasound waves, to take pictures of tissues, organs, and blood or liquid stream inside the body. This test is additionally alluded to as an ultrasound or ultrasound image.
Sonography utilizes a gadget called a transducer on the outer layer of the skin to send ultrasound waves and tune in for a reverberation. A PC interprets the ultrasound waves into a picture. A prepared specialist can see, measure, and recognize structures in the picture. A medical care supplier then, at that point, peruses the photos to assist with diagnosing the issue or main pressing concern. An ultrasound image is most regularly used to screen the improvement of the uterus and baby during pregnancy. It can likewise be utilized to assess organs, bosom bumps, joint circumstances, bone sickness, and testicular protrusions or to direct needles during biopsies.