Chandak Hospital

Ureteric Stone Removal

Ureteric Stone Removal

Ureteric stone removal

The main thing you can do to forestall kidney and ureteral stones is to drink bunches of liquids. Drinking liquids assist you with passing more pee, which is significant in forestalling stones. Most specialists suggest you consistently give around 2.5 liters (2.6 quarts) of pee to keep your urinary lot flushed. How much liquid you’ll have to drink to pass that much pee relies upon variables such as how warm and dry the environment is and how much you work out. For many people, consistently drinking 2 to 3 liters (one-half to 66% of a gallon) of liquid ought to be sufficient. If you’re at a high gamble of shaping stones, your PCP might suggest you measure your pee yield for some time to ensure you’re making enough. The shade of your pee ought to assist you with realizing whether you’re drinking an adequate number of liquids. It would be ideal for pee to be light and clear. Assuming your pee is dull or shady, you most likely need to build your drinks.